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py-sip6 Tool to create Python bindings for C++ libraries
py-spyder-terminal (V) Run system terminals inside Spyder
py-terminator Terminator, multiple terminals in one window
py-terminator-plugins Set of plugins for terminator
py-Tk Tkinter -- Python interface to Tcl/Tk
py-traits (V) Manifest typing and reactive programming for Python
py-ttk (V) Ttk Python wrapper
py-wxPython GUI Toolkit for Python
py-xcbgen XCB protocol descriptions (in XML)
py-xcffib (V) Python binding to the X Window System protocol via libxcb
py-Xlib XLib in pure Python
py-zenity (V) Easy to use frontend to Zenity
qqc2-desktop-style Style for Qt Quick Controls 2 to make it follow your desktop theme
qt4 meta-package for the QT GUI C++ toolkit
qt4-docs Documentation for the QT C++ X GUI toolkit
qt4-libs C++ X GUI toolkit
qt4-mng QT MNG image format plugin
qt4-mysql QT mysql driver
qt4-pgsql QT postgresql driver
qt4-qdbus QT DBus support
qt4-sqlite3 Qt4 sqlite3 driver
qt4-tiff QT TIFF image format plugin
qt4-tools QT GUI (WYSIWYG) builder and other tools
qt5 meta-package for version 5 of the QT GUI C++ toolkit
qt5-mysql Qt5 MySQL plugin
qt5-odbc Qt5 odbc plugin
qt5-psql Qt5 PostgreSQL plugin
qt5-qscintilla Scintilla C++ editor class for Qt5
qt5-qtbase C++ X GUI toolkit
qt5-qtcharts Qt5 module for charts framework
qt5-qtconnectivity Qt5 module for connectivity framework
qt5-qtdeclarative Qt5 module for declarative framework
qt5-qtdoc Qt5 documentations
qt5-qtgraphicaleffects Qt5 module for Graphics effects
qt5-qtimageformats Qt5 module for Image formats
qt5-qtlocation Qt5 module for qtlocation
qt5-qtmacextras Qt5 module for Mac extras
qt5-qtmultimedia Qt5 module for multimedia
qt5-qtnetworkauth Qt5 module for networkauth framework
qt5-qtquickcontrols Qt5 module for QuickControls
qt5-qtquickcontrols2 Next generation user interface controls based on Qt Quick
qt5-qtscript Qt5 module for script
qt5-qtscxml Qt5 module for scxml framework
qt5-qtsensors Qt5 module for Sensors
qt5-qtserialport Qt5 module for Serial Port
qt5-qtspeech Qt5 module to make text to speech and speech recognition easy
qt5-qtsvg Qt5 module for SVG
qt5-qttools Qt5 tools
qt5-qttranslations Qt5 translations
qt5-qtvirtualkeyboard Qt5 module for virtualkeyboard framework
qt5-qtwayland Qt5 module for Wayland support
qt5-qtwebchannel Qt5 WebChannel module
qt5-qtwebengine Chromium-based web engine for Qt5
qt5-qtwebkit Qt5 WebView module
qt5-qtwebsockets Qt5 module for websockets
qt5-qtx11extras Qt5 module for X11 extras
qt5-qtxmlpatterns Qt5 module for XML Patterns
qt5-styleplugins Qt 5 extra widget styles
qt5ct Tool for customizing Qt5-apps outside KDE
qt6-qscintilla Scintilla C++ editor class for Qt5
qt6-qtbase C++ X GUI toolkit
qt6-qtserialport Qt6 module for Serial Port
qt6-qttranslations Qt6 translations
qt6ct Qt6 configuration tool
qterminal Terminal emulator for Qt5
qtermwidget Terminal emulator widget for Qt5
qtxdg-tools User tools for LXQt components
qwt6-qt5 Qt widget library for technical purposes
rapidsvn (V) Cross-platform Subversion GUI
ratmen Allows you to create X menus from the shell
rclock (V) Analog clock for X w/appointment reminder and mail notification
read-edid Read EDID from monitor
redshift Adjust screen color temperature based on the position of the sun
rendercheck XRender test application
rep-gtk2 GTK2 librep bindings (used by wm/sawfish)
rgb RGB color database
rofi Window switcher, run dialog and dmenu replacement
rox-session Very simple session manager
rox-wallpaper For setting the backdrop
rterm Port of suckless terminal to rust
ruby-gtk3 Ruby binding of GTK+-3.x
ruby-gtksourceview3 Ruby binding of gtksourceview3
ruby-tk Tk interface module using tcltklib
rxvt Low memory usage xterm replacement that supports color
rxvt-unicode Clone of rxvt supporting Xft fonts and Unicode
sakura Terminal emulator based on GTK and VTE that supports tab
sawfish (V) Extensible window manager that is fully configurable in Lisp
sessreg Manage utmp/wtmp entries for xdm
setxkbmap Set the keyboard map using the X Keyboard Extension
slim Simple login manager
slock Simple X11 screen locker
slop X display selection tool
space_dapp Tiny dock app to create an empty space
speyes South Park XEyes clone
ssystem Solar System Flyby Simulator
st-term Simple terminal implementation for X
stalonetray Stand-alone system tray
startup-notification X11 application startup notification library
sunclock (V) Show which portion of the Earth's surface is illuminated by the Sun
swisswatch (V) Swiss railway clock emulation, and a fancy default appearance